Besides commands, this bot can also send notifications to your Discord server when something happens to one of your group members (new achievements, HCIM death, etc), or to your competitions (started, ended, starting soon, etc).
For this, the bot needs to know what your group is and where to send those notifications, and since there are many types of notifications, you need to either specify where to receive each type, disable a type, or just assign a default notifications channel.
Notifications are only sent if configured properly beforehand. Learn more about these configurations here:
The bot also needs certain permissions to be able to speak in the channel you want to receive notifications in without being mentioned. Here are the current required permissions:
- Send messages
- Manage messages
- Embed links
- Attach files
- Use application commands
Members Joined
This notification is sent when a member joins the group.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Members Joined" notification type in the /config notifications
Members Left
This notification is sent when a member leaves the group.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Members Left" notification type in the /config notifications
Members Roles Changed
This notification is sent when a member's group role changes.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Members Roles Changed" notification type in the /config notifications
New Member Achievement
This notification is sent when a member gains a new achievement.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Members Achievements" notification type in the /config notifications
Member (HCIM) has died
This notification is sent when an HCIM member dies (and becomes a regular Ironman)
To configure this notification, you can use the "Member (HCIM) died" notification type in the /config notifications
Competition Created
This notification is sent when a group competition is created.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Competition Status" notification type in the /config notifications
Competition Starting
This notification is sent when a group competition is starting soon. The time periods aren't configurable at the moment, this notification is sent multiple times before the competition starts.
- 6 Hours
- 5 Minutes
To configure this notification, you can use the "Competition Status" notification type in the /config notifications
Competition Started
This notification is sent when a group competition has started.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Competition Status" notification type in the /config notifications
Competition Ending
This notification is sent when a group competition is ending soon. The time periods aren't configurable at the moment, this notification is sent multiple times before the competition ends.
- 12 hours
- 30 Minutes
To configure this notification, you can use the "Competition Status" notification type in the /config notifications
Competition Ended
This notification is sent when a group competition has ended. It also includes the top participants or teams.
To configure this notification, you can use the "Competition Status" notification type in the /config notifications